
Overgrowth free running
Overgrowth free running

overgrowth free running

I had over 3 times the normal bacteria in my digestive tract, and a 1 week antibiotic actually caused 4 months of steady weight gain. They kill off the good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract. I just wanted to put up a warning about antibiotics. You will keep coming back with various symptoms (diarrhea, joint pain, tiredness, sleep problems, brain fog, etc), and he will keep writing prescriptions to mask the symptoms (but they won't address the CAUSE of the symptoms), and the doctor and the pharmaceutical industry will be very, very happy. YOU DO NOT NEED A DOCTOR'S PERMISSION TO STOP EATING GLUTEN.īut the doctor will make a lot more money off of you if you keep eating it. Why wait for them to get worse? That's like knowing that you are allergice to peanuts, but continuing to eat peanut butter sandwiches, and waiting until you actually have an anaphylactic reaction to say, "gee, maybe I shouldn't eat peanuts?" If you get diarrhea from gluten and continue to eat gluten, things are not likely to get better. If they take six 1/4"-1/2" samples out of 22 feet of intestine, and if villi damage is patchy and only visible under a microscope, than the chance of the doctor biopsying an affected area is pathetically small. Whether it is gluten intolerance, celiac disease, or very-early-stage-celiac-disease, I don't know, but personally, I don't put much faith in biopsies. There ARE some good ones out there, though-I think there might be a list on this site or on some of the other celiac sites, of good (celiac-savvy) doctors, by location. I think your doctor is also not to be trusted. Your instincts are probably correct-I bet you have a problem with gluten. Actually, your body is screaming at you-listen to it!!!!! When I went gluten-free, I felt a lot better.

overgrowth free running

now I am back to the FloraJen 3 w/ the FOS powder - This is like eating 10 yogurts a day, since I have a hard time with dairy this works for me. FOS powder in a glass of water - then tried a couple of other brands. I don't think the bad bacteria like either of those acids listed aboveĪ good probiotic - I started with FloraJen3 pills, I put 1/4 tsp. Source of MCT's for energy, sulfite free, wheat free, lactose free, gluten free, and soy free. You can have Jennies coconut macaroons - High in capric acid + lauric acid - good acid for you. (Eating gluten at the time of my tests - went gluten free after that, then once all my results were back, about 2 months later, started on gluten again) I've also read a lot about once you get an overgrowth, you're pretty much predisposed to having overgrowths again for the rest of your life.Īre there any special dietary changes to deal with bacteria? What can I do other than go to the doctor again? I went gluten free for a while, then my doctor talked me out of it since my biopsy was negative. I've been taking probiotics & trying to stay away from beer (my culprit for bad stomach days). Prescribed the antibiotic Xifaxan for about 45 days now - at first my symptoms ( big D, soft stools, fatigue, etc) cleared up quick, but lately (as I am getting close to running out of anitbiotic) they have been coming back, slowly but surely. I went through all the testing and such (blood, stool, upper & lower scopes) for the doc to tell me that I have a bacteria overgrowth.

Overgrowth free running